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Interactive Comment Map

We have an interactive comment map that provides you the opportunity to tell us your thoughts, ideas, and concerns about transportation in Clackamas County! There is a link to the map on the home page of our project website at

You can use our interactive map to tell us your thoughts, ideas, and concerns related to cars, trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists, safety, congestion or any other transportation related topic that is on your mind. You can also see comments previously submitted by other community members.

Please visit the website today to participate!

Posted February 9th, 2012

Most Recent Press Releases

Interested in seeing and reading the latest press releases from Clackamas County? Visit here for recent highlights about the TSP Experience!

Posted October 12th, 2011

We need your input!

Take Our Survey

Help us understand your vision for the role that transportation plays in our County and your values about who should help pay for the transportation.

In March 2011, Clackamas County completed a Draft Transportation Policy Framework to serve as the starting point and guide for the Transportation System Plan update process. We want your input to help determine if these statements reflect the overall values of County citizens. Provide your general comments on the Draft Vision and Goals here. Participate in a survey on transportation values by clicking below:

Click here to take the survey

Posted September 26th, 2011

Clackamas County Is Updating the TSP

Clackamas County is beginning the process of updating its Transportation System Plan (TSP), which covers all unincorporated portions of Clackamas County. The TSP, which is required of cities and counties in Oregon, identifies a system of transportation facilities and services to meet community needs and comply with the State Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660, Division 12). The process is expected to take approximately two years, beginning fall 2011.

The current TSP was completed in 2001. Since then there has been substantial growth in urban unincorporated areas, incorporation of the City of Damascus, major changes in the urban growth boundary and additional rural growth opportunities under Measure 49.

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), updated in 2010, sets transportation policy direction for the Metro urban area. The County is expected to update its TSP within two years after the RTP is adopted. When completed; this updated TSP will bring the County into conformance with the revised RTP.

The updated TSP will also consider how the County can finance the needed transportation system improvements envisioned in the plan. Currently, the County uses the road fund (primarily supported by the state gas tax) for road maintenance and construction. The only other dedicated source of road system capital funding is the county system development charge.

The process to develop the policy framework for the project began internally, to align the Board of County Commissioners and staff behind a set of common vision and set of goals that reflects the overall values of the County. Now, we want to test these draft statements with our citizens.

View the draft vision and goal statements here

Join us for the first public workshop

Posted September 21st, 2011