Sisters Country Vision Action Plan (SCVAP) Trails Expansion Outreach

We want your feedback!

We invite you to explore an interactive map and share your thoughts about existing and proposed trails and trail connections in Sisters Country. CLICK HERE for the interactive map.

What will this project accomplish

In 2019, the community of Sisters completed the Sisters Country Vision Action Plan (SCVAP). The area encompassed by the SCVAP is Sisters Country, which is the Sisters School District attendance boundaries outside of the City of Sisters city limits.

This project implements Livable Strategy 4 (Expanded Trail System) of the SCVAP Plan, which identifies four actions needed to meet the community’s desire for expanding the existing trail system. This project focuses on implementation of Action 4.1 (Trails Expansion Outreach), which is: “Conduct community outreach to gain input for trail connections between Sisters and Sisters Country.” The product will be a map of potential new trail connections and amendments to the Deschutes County Transportation Systems Plan (TSP).

Why is it important

The SCVAP (2019) encompasses approximately 10,000 residents within both the City of Sisters, and rural lands outside the city but within the Sisters School District attendance boundaries. Sisters Country has long had active cycling, hiking, and equestrian groups. The SCVAP received extensive community involvement, which identified a desire to identify possible expansions to the trails network. The Project will ensure consistency between the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan of the County’s TSP and the plans of the United States Forest Service (“USFS”) and Sisters Trails Alliance.

How to stay involved

Several opportunities for input will be available through the course of the update, including one public event and coordination with a community advisory committee. Please check back for more information or CLICK HERE to sign up for updates.