9th Street at Euclid Avenue Intersection Crossing Alternatives

Project Background

The 9th Street Bicycle Boulevard Improvements project uses a low-volume neighborhood street to expand the City of Tucson's low-stress biking network by creating routes to jobs, neighborhood destinations, schools, and parks. The improvements will enhance pedestrian and bicycle crossings at the Euclid Avenue and Ninth Street intersection. The Ninth/Eighth Street Bicycle Boulevard extends for 2.1 miles from Fourth Avenue to Treat Avenue. Recent improvements included speed humps, curb extensions, a BikeHAWK, and a HAWK at Euclid Avenue and Ninth Street.

This project is identified in the City of Tucson Bicycle Boulevard Master Plan and funded by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) bicycle boulevard package.

Location Details

Qualitative assessment

Assessment of enhanced pedestrian and bicycle crossing at the Euclid Avenue at Ninth Street intersection included (follow link for details):
BikeHAWK and TOUCAN alternatives
Multimodal intersection safety
Multimodal intersection operations
Assess impacts to circulation
Estimated cost
Community input

Improvement Comparison