The Dalles Transportation System Plan
Help plan the future of transportation in your city!
The Future of Travel in The Dalles
What: The City of The Dalles recognizes transportation is key to the community's economic and social well-being and that the 1999 Transportation System Plan (TSP) needs to be updated. This Project is a comprehensive update that will ensure the transportation system supports the economic and community goals of the City. The Updated TSP will support the implementation of The Dalles Comprehensive Plan by developing a transportation system for all modes that will support the planned residential, commercial and industrial growth in the City.
Where: The Project area is the land within City’s Urban Growth Boundary. Roadways fall under the jurisdictions of the City, Wasco County and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).
Why: All Oregon cities and counties are required to have a TSP and update it every 10 years. Through this effort, and with your help, we will identify the best ways to build upon our existing system and make smart future investments that increase choice for getting around.
How: In addition to technical work (data gathering, projections, traffic modeling), the process includes extensive public involvement. There will be opportunities for public comment and participation throughout this process.